Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No Brats Please

We are really trying to work on our discipline lately. And please note "discipline" does not mean punishment. We have to wean Kaia off the bottle, get her to sleep in her own bed and make her start eating table food.

:( snif

This is not going to be an enjoyable process. We kind of started last night: no more nighttime feedings, no matter how much she cries or we hear her tummy growl. No matter how weak Mommy and Daddy are feeling or how tired we get we must not cave in. So Step One: no milk during the night. Step Two: No more bringing baby to bed with us. Step Three: No more bottles. Period. This one will be the hardest and I am willing to take my time here.

At the doc office this morning, someone I hadn't seen before commented on how cute Kaia is. "Thank you" I respond, to which she says, "she knows it too, doesn't she?"

She didn't say it with any ill-intent, but it scares me. Kaia gets SO much attention when we go out, and she absolutely LOVES it. She gets giddy watching people and smiling at them. That in itself is not a bad thing, but gawd. I don't want to have a bratty kid. She's going to be spoiled, no doubt about it. The only girl on one side of the family, the only grandchild on the other, the only child at home... if anyone has suggestions on this, I will happily listen. Esp. from Jay & Elizabeth if you guys read me anymore, please advise away!

My Mom said, "You can be spoiled without being a brat" so I am hoping we can figure that one out. She's such a good baby right now, but she is SO strong-willed/stubborn/independent that I see many wars coming our way in the next couple years.

She weighs 16 1/2 pounds now and is 27 inches long. Still not even at the 5th percentile but the doc seemed pleased with her growth and development. She is pretty behind in the eating department so I've really got to focus on trying to get her to try different textures of foods. Right now, she still only likes the runny stuff that she can slurp off of her spoon. Or bread or cheese that she can suck on.

Anyway, mucho work to do. We fought with the crib thing last night for 2 hours before I caved in and took her to bed so we could get some sleep. Cory & I are both having allergy/sinus issues so the timing here really sucks. We'll get there but it sure is exhausting...

Oh, I start work on the 25th of Feb. Don't remember if I mentioned that or not.


Skept said...

I don't think she'll be bratty. it's not like we're going to let her get away with that kind of crap. I hope not, anyway.

Holly Wall said...

You guys are great parents who understand boundaries and want the best for your daughter. She will not be a brat. She will be sweet and kind and love attention but not be a brat.

I need to work on getting Isaac to sleep in his bed and stop night nursing, but I'm just not sure my heart's in it yet. I think I'm being propelled by what other people think my kid should be doing and not by what I'm most comfortable with. I think I'll know when we're both ready.

morning miles said...

You can indeed spoil your kids without them being a brat.
Stick to your guns- Kaia is not the only one you are weaning!

cyclefreaks said...

Ain't that the truth. Giving her a bottle is my favorite thing... next to waking up with her smiling at me. Sigh. :(

jckeeton said...

I don't see her being a bratty child. Don't worry about her weight. Andrew is like at the zero percentile, and he wasn't a premie. He still gets a bottle right before bed and right when he gets up in the morning. He uses a sippy cup during the day. For me its hard to justify not giving him those two bottles when he eats great dinner and breakfast and is still under-weight. I say the more the better. :)

Okjerm said...

I was spoiled and I wasn't a brat.

I was an only grandchild until I was 20 and my parents divorced when I was 2, so I was bound to be spoiled.

jckeeton said...

Oh, also, I'm an only child and was spoiled. I hope I'm not too bratty.

Candice said...

Well I will spoil her rotten!!! : )
That doesn't mean we will let her get away with everything.

dianie said...

Lovin' on a kid does not make them a brat. Rent Willy Wonka. You'll see the difference :)