Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better than a kick in the crotch

Well, I'm safe through the end of January, and I will get 5 weeks severance. In the meantime, they are keeping their eyes open for something for me. Ideally, I could just stay with SMC for a little longer, until Cory or I find something fabulous in another state, but if not, I think this will give me enough time to either a)find something that I don't hate as a band-aid or b) stay home with Kaia for awhile and draw unemployment.

Either way, I feel more hopeful today than I have in the past six weeks of wondering. Something great will come up, I feel it.


jckeeton said...

That's great about the severance. I was afraid that they would be cheap asses. Our nuclear tech drew unemployment in the interem between Cardiology of Tusla and SMC and said it was very easy. I guess you can do everything online.

Candice said...


Anonymous said...

I think that just knowing what will happen has to be a relief. Always takes me to Tom Petty- the waiting is the hardest part. Plus the idea of maybe having some extra time with your girl has to be good.

Speaking of that- isn't there a birthday in the not so distant future?

hwall said...

I opt for staying home with Kaia. Might as well enjoy it while you can. At least you have the comfort of severance to cushion you while you look for something else. Very glad to hear it.

Okjerm said...

Everything is done online as far as signing up with Work Force Oklahoma. Then you call in Sunday night and answer 3 questions:

Were you eligible to work this week?

Did you look for employment this week?

Do you want a check?

If you apply at Burger King it counts as job hunting.

Candice said...

And it helps that we found you guys a couple great jobs to apply for here. : ) I know that's what you were thinking.