Aunt Candice came to see me and she bought me presents!

I know I've said it before but we are so in love. My favorite thing in this picture is the smile on Cory's face. :)

We discovered she loves playing with blocks. I especially love these blocks because they belonged to my nephews. :)
I loved every minute I got to spend with her and missed her as soon as you guys left.
I love her smile and what a big one she has.
Rachel and I have been checking out the pics. Rachel says, "Hi Kaia" and says that she is a pretty baby. Back to the pics- Rachel is asking "where's Kaia" and trying to call her on her play phone.
I miss her everyday. I have never felt the kind of love I feel for her. I'm totally retarded for her. At this point I would do anything for you guys to find jobs here and move here. Then we have to find jobs for our parents and Paula too. You would also be closer to the boys.
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