Day 1 of daycare pretty much blew. I felt "OK" most of the day. I stayed there with her until 11, called at 2 and visited around 3. She was doing fine, they said she was a really good baby. But when we picked her up, she seemed sad. :( No big smiles for us like she had when we dropped her off. I think there is so much going on in the infant room, for obvious reasons, that she just didn't sleep much and was exhausted. Which, to us, looked like sadness.
She finally perked up around 10 p.m. so we felt a little better. Cory was playing Metallica on the laptop, and she started smiling. We tried to redo it on video but she wouldn't repeat it, ala the singing frog. Anyhoo, we'll see how today goes. For all 3 of us.
Mommy, day care is tiring. Please don't make me go back, I want Auntie Diane!
Rachel never slept well in the infant room at daycare- just two short 45 minute naps.
I wish I could give you some words of guidance but I can't. Sending a baby to daycare is extremely difficult. At some point you will have to decide if you can be at peace with it. If you cannot, then you will have to pursue other options.
When we lived in Stillwater, we used an in home daycare provider (I was not impressed with Stillwater daycares). Lauren was one of 4 kids in the lady's care- and usually only Lauren and one other girl (who happened to be 3) were there. The lady's name was Mrs. Nahar. She was from Bangladesh and usually goes back to her home country in the summer. There is a really great home daycare network in town. It might make you more comfortable. I should add that Mrs. Nahar was part of the DHS star rating system.
I cried for the first week both girls were in daycare.
Melissa, how did you find them in the first place? I have no idea how to even start looking. Didn't see any individuals on the dhs list, but maybe we didn't include them in the search.
Hey, I'm home until Friday, I will watch her. You just have to bring her here and tell me what to do. Honest.
This is going to sound really nutty, but I used the Stillwater News Press. There were adds for some daycare prviders and I called them. I got an impression of each of them on the phone but everyone of them I spoke with was full. Two of the ladies who struck me as nice referred us to Mrs. Nahar. They cgave me her phone number. So I called and set up an appointment. I was very pleased with what I saw- we had Lauren enrolled at Renaissance but I forfieted the deposit and went with Mrs. Nahar instead.
I felt quite awkward calling those places but I was desperate. I was quite dissatisfied with the Stillwater daycare options.
It might be worth doing some calling and it may take you a few weeks or even a month or two to find the right fit. Lauren attend three daycares (in Arkansas) before we found the right fit. I pulled her out of the first one after a week- she just was not at all happy there. We've been lucky with Rachel because our first place worked out. But if you all have a bad feeling or think she is unhappy then you need to consider finding an alternative.
Ps- please excuse all my typos- i did not proof it-
At peace... hmmm. I would say we are definitely not, but I also know that it DOES get easier and I also have faith in Ren because of so many couples who loved the infant room teacher. Problem is, she's been out sick both days. If she isn't back tomorrow, maybe I'll take the day off.
It's a reality that we unfortunately have to live with. I am hoping the 3-day weekend for me will make me feel better. I wouldn't feel any better about dropping her off at a stranger's house than at a stranger's center, you know? Maybe even less so. I guess I just want family in my home or me. End of story. And neither is an option. :(
I understand. I would love to have the sane members of my family be the primary care givers of Rachel. Now that's she is almost 2(next month!) I don't suffer the guilt I did when she was an infant- or when she bit half the kids in the creepers room.
Andrew never sleeps at daycare. He comes home and crashes for about an hour or two. I hope Miss Vicki is back also. I don't like Miss Heather as well. She is usually in the older infant room. I am so happy that Andrew only has 3 more days of daycare. At least for a few months anyway.
It gets better. Pretty soon Kaia will smile at you when you pick her up and cry if you walk past her to get her stuff first. :)
Isn't amazing how even a little expression from her, makes you feel something?
Stephanie and Cory-
Tuesday I showed Lauren the new pics of Kaia and Rachel was pretty excited about the baby. Last night after dinner she went over to the laptop, pointed, and asked to see "baby." She actually squealed when she saw the new pics. I have to agree.
Daycare does improve. Usually Rachel's class is playing outside when I come to pick her up. As soon as she sees my car she stops what she is doing and runs, squealing with delight, toward the entrance of the play area and then launches herself at me when I come through the gate. You can't beat that.
I don't imagine you can. And I never would have imagined it.
James saw Kaia this afternoon at daycare when he picked up Andrew. He said she was smiling. She seems to like Miss Jenny. Miss Jenny is Andrew's favorite.
Once she gets settled into a regular *routine* with daycare, I bet it won't wipe her out as much after a while... it's just like school in a lot of ways... it's always the most difficult the first years, and then it becomes a routine for most of our lives. ;o)
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