Aunt Candice bought the baby book for Mommy. She will get to keep all kinds of memories and pictures in it from my first year of life. She'll probably cry when she reads it when I'm older. My Mommy isn't really very sentimental but I make her cry a lot these days. She tells me they are happy, proud tears. I guess that's good. I don't really make tears when I cry so I don't understand.
Anyway, today was a day of "firsts" so I'll let Mommy explain..."
We met our pediatrician today, Kaia had her first appointment. Our doctor is really nice, I liked her a lot. She basically came in, looked her over, listened to her lungs and heart and told us she was perfect! She also said she was really strong which makes me happy. :) The best news is that she has finally surpassed her birth weight!! She gained 5 oz. since coming home with Mommy and Daddy and is at 4 lbs. 13 oz.
We also gave her a bath today, it was a pathetic attempt really but at least her little tushy and her widdle head smells good. :)
No more sinks for her, not my niece. Tub is in the mail, ordering it right now.
I love the post and the pics! And she makes me cry a lot too, happy tears just like you guys.
Scratch that, I called mom and she will pick it up and deliver it for me. They want a lot for shipping. Soon she will have her pretty pink bath!
Boone and decided she looked a little unhappy in the bath picture. : ) I guess she will have to grow into liking them like her mommy.
By the way, Kim wanted me to tell you both congrats and that she is beautiful!
Hmm, I think I will fill up your comment page. : )
Candice you have got to stop!! We didn't buy a tub because Susan is bringing us one that she doesn't use on Andrew. QUIT SHOPPING! Mark is going to kill me!
Fine! I'll call mom and tell her not to get it. At least take the stuff off the registry so we know not to get it.
What a happy day of firsts.
love to see other sisters banter over the interweb! :)
Tell Susan to hurry up the the tub so she doesn't have anymore sink baths! I'd make that face too if I had to bathe in a sink! ;)
You guys are silly, you were probably all bathed in a sink when you were little! :)
Mom told me tonight she bathed us in a bucket in the tub.
She looks SO DRAMATIC over the bath... adorable. Little drama queen :)
I'm glad she's doing well, all healthy and strong!!!
Tosh - she is totally a drama queen, I can already tell. You should see some of the expressions she makes... and she LOVES to put her hand out as if to say, "oh stop!" and also against her face, like "I can't take you people anymore. Stop messing with me and let me sleep!"
Weird question alert, did the stump fall off before you bathed her?
The icky stump fell off before we even brought her home. But they bathed her with it in the hospital, you just can't "submerge" a baby while it's still there. Gross little thing, looked like a big long bugger.
Can someone please enlighten me as to what "the stump" is/was? Should thingies really be falling off babies?
"The stump": the cord
Stump's what's left of the cord after it's cut.
With my 2nd, they told me to swab it with alcohol to make it dry out and it would fall off quicker. It actually preserved the damn thing like a mummy and it took 9 weeks to fall off. In the (many many many) times I've had to do this since, I've learned to leave it alone - don't submerge, like she said - and it just comes off by itself.
Awww, I'm SO happy her first doctor's appointment went so well!!!! I got all teary-eyed reading this post. *sigh* SO sweet...
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