Don't set her in her swing after meals either.
Little girls CAN projectile pee.
She has also been known to shoot poop across the room.
You can actually puke milk out of your nose. If I never see her do that again, I'll be happy. While it's funny in theory, the look on her face while she was puking was one of terror and shock, which sent Mommy to the other room bawling.
Newborn cries are kind of cute. Very loud, but cute. Who said this kids lungs were underdeveloped??
Newborn poop looks like mustard with some sesame seeds mixed in.
Changing a diaper is really no big deal. I don't know why I was so afraid of it.
Having your baby sleep on you is the best thing in the world.
Walking into the room and seeing Daddy sound asleep with his arm draped over the bassinet is an image I will cherish forever and ever.
Newborns, and especially preemies, sleep a LOT.
Mommy staying home is a treat for us both, but if not for the internet, Mommy might go nuts
In other news, I forked out $202 today for a shot for the little one. She is at high risk for RSV because being a preemie. It's expensive, but both the nurses at Mercy and our doctor recommended it. The shot is actually $900 before insurance... ouch. Thank goodness for insurance. I dread her getting the shot though. She'll probably not even flinch, she got so used to being poked and prodded in the hospital. :(

I finally cleaned out her crib and put sheets on, even though she won't be sleeping in there for awhile. I put her in it the other day because she was kind of restless and I was tired of trying to hold her. I read her a couple stories while she laid there and looked around. She seemed pretty content with that. She sure looks little in that big ol' crib though!
I got jealous of Cory's sling so ordered myself one. The day it arrived, I also got one as a gift in the mail. Pisser of it is I didn't know you bought by YOUR size, not baby size, so instead of small, me needs a large. So they both have to be returned. Boo.