I've been wanting to post for almost a week now (hard to believe, tomorrow is her one week birthday!) but after I spent almost an hour carefully crafting the events of her birth and blogger lost it... well, let's just say I've been boycotting the damn thing. But now I am wide awake, at home and have nothing to do except go to sleep, so just for today, I'm choosing something else over sleep. :)
Thanks to everyone who has called, emailed, texted, etc. You guys mean the world to us. Kaia is very lucky to have so many people love her.
I'm doing pretty well. I wasn't expecting to take such a beating and have been really sore (everywhere, not just the obvious). I asked Cory why my stomach was so sore and he reminded me that I had two nurses pushing on my stomach, trying to push at Kaia's feet to get her to exit my hooha. Anyway, the worst thing really is just that I still get exhausted easily and my feet are swelling after only being on them for short periods of time. They didn't even swell this much while I was pregnant! I have so much to do that I thought I had a couple more weeks to do, and now I get too tired to do much of it at one time.

I can't describe to you what it's like to look at Kaia. I look at her, and I see Cory, and I look at Cory and I see her. She is so beautiful, and makes the best faces! To be so small and yet so expressive and curious is amazing to me. The nurses comment on how adorable and alert she is. When she is awake, her eyes just scan the room in wonder. I have never cried so much in my life. I can't believe I ever thought I might not want to do this...
Now if we can just get her home...
She came out when she wanted, she'll go home when she wants. We found a cute preemie set tonight we will have to mail to you.
Cory is great about posting on how Kaia is doing, but we would also like to keep up with how you are.
How cute is that little hand on her face?! She's precious. It's good to hear from you... I know it's hard to find the time or energy to post.
Hey Steph I am glad to hear from you. Kaia ia beautiful. If you need any help with getting things done that you didn't have time to do let me know and I can be there in a sec. All 3 of you mean the world to us and we want to help in any way we can.
Hey Steph I am glad to hear from you. Kaia ia beautiful. If you need any help with getting things done that you didn't have time to do let me know and I can be there in a sec. All 3 of you mean the world to us and we want to help in any way we can.
Like Andia, please let me know what I can do for you. I know everyone says this, but seriously anything you need. If you need supplies rounded up, things done at your house, whatever. And please use some of my baby stuff if you need it. My fat boy won't fit anymore, but I'm sure your precious little girl will. :)
I'm so happy to see your post. I always love to hear how the initial feeling is after having a baby. I'm telling you, you guys have got us sold on having a baby. As soon as he is finished with this last class and we have 2 incomes, we are ready.
She is beautiful!
Trust me, if I can think straight enough at some point to ask for help, I most certainly will. Right now, we aren't home long enough to know what we need to do, really. We get home around 10, I pump, go to sleep. We get up, I pump, take a nap. Get up, pump, eat lunch and leave for OKC. You should see me walking around in circles, forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing. It's comical. I know my mom is getting a kick out of it!
Carrie - I got a sweet thank you note from your family. What cute kids!
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