My sister saw Baby Cheney kicking last night! I was so excited that someone else saw it, we both squealed. Cory has yet to see or feel her, but I'm sure he will at some point. :)
We went to see my friend Susan and her new baby tonight. Andy weighs about 7 pounds now, he was born a week ago. Too cute! He was sound asleep when we stopped by. Susan and her husband James assured us that labor wasn't as bad as they were expecting. Of course, she pushed for like 25 minutes and he "popped right out." :) Let's hope for that for us as well!
Paula & I took Ripley to her first training session today. Unlike obedience school, we are just working with someone to try to get her to stop growling and attacking, not really training for specific "tricks" or things, though she said she is so smart, we could train her to do almost anything. I'm very hopeful, and so was the trainer. It's not going to be cheap but I think it will be sooo worth it. She said like most reactive dogs, Ripley is not really aggressive, but afraid. My baby has trust issues. :( I got her a new leash and halter to work with her and will do the next session with all three dogs.
Anyway, she's my first baby girl, so I thought I'd write about her a little. :)
Marble Slab is the Devil
Some of you have heard my rantings about Marble Slab. I love their freaking ice cream. It's fabulous. So when we got one here this summer, I was pumped! After trying a few things, I decided that Sweet Cream was my favorite flavor, no matter what the mixin.'
Diane and I would meet up there around 9ish - they close at 10 - and almost every time, the tables were dirty, the staff was rude and they were ALWAYS out of something I wanted. Sweet Cream? "Sorry, we ran out." Chocolate Swiss? "we're out of that too." Ok fuckwad, how about vanilla with caramel. It doesn't get easier than that. "Oh, we're out of caramel. and hot fudge."
This particular asshat is rude, and I think he just says this to piss me off.
The last time, the no caramel, no hot fudge time, I was livid. I left and immediately got online and wrote a scathing email to Marble Slab. I swore never to return. But sitting outside with the flies and bugs at the outdoor frozen custard place just doesn't cut it. And while I love me some Braum's, Marble Slab ice cream still wins. So i returned.
The Return
I gave in and told D I wanted some Marble Slab, I think it was Monday night. We met there at 7:51 p.m. They didn't close til 10. I know, because I checked.
I walked in, they weren't too busy so I was excited. "mmm... sweet cream with caramel and almonds. Yeah baby!"
The same steaming fuckhole is working. I avert my eyes and hope he'll go help someone else.
But no.
After wandering around trying to look like he's doing something, he comes over. "Can I help you."
(The punctuation there is not an error but an indication of his lovely, helpful tone)
I decide at the last minute to go for one of their mixes. "Small Snickerdoodle."
Shithead: "We're out of sweet cream."
Ha! gotcha, asshole. It's not made with sweet cream!!
Me: "It's not made with sweet cream. It's made with vanilla."
Infantile assweasel behind the counter: "We're out of vanilla."
He won again!
What kind of ice cream place runs out of vanilla 2 hours before closing? What kind of ice cream place keeps running out of the same shit and never adjusts their inventory to fix it?
I say he's just fucking with me. Next time, that little shit is going to get an ice cream scooper up his pooper.
Don't mess with a pregnant woman who wants a creamy frozen treat, dammit.
Okay, I got mad reading that post. Partly because Sweet Cream is also my favorite! Go figure. I was also mad because I know the type behind the counter. It never fails that when you get told "no" or "we're out", it's always by the same d-bag.
If you really, truly want revenge (and are not just cranky because of the Sweet Cream & prego combo), next time they're out of sweet cream I say you order the most complex thing that will make him do the most work, and then "change your mind" right before the register (or taste it and go "ewww. I can't eat this!"). And be as pleasant as you possibly can. It'll piss him off to no end. Then you walk out with revenge, even if you walk out with no ice cream.
I say do what lothar said. hehehe
Yes, I may have only pushed for 25 minutes, but I have some lovely stiches as a nice souvenir. But, you're right, I didn't think labor was nearly as bad as some of the horror stories you hear. I feel sorry for those gals.
Also, I've been boycotting Marble Slab for some time now.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in tears!! I absolutely love the names, OMG that is hilarious!!!
Now, I totally feel for you on the whole point of the story. I've only been to Marble Slab once, and it was such a fetid mess I refused to ever go back. And they were out of vanilla, Sweet Cream, bubble gum (which my son wanted) and chocolate. It was around 8 pm, way before closing. I asked the same question, how does an ice cream parlor run out of basic flavors like vanilla and chocolate, c'mon, don't you keep a surplus??? And the tables, chairs and counters were so disgusting that I wiped the seats off with a baby wipe before I'd let my kids sit down, then made a loud point of telling them not to touch the table.
Steaming fuckhole, bwwhahahahaha!!!
I say follow lothar's plan - order the biggest, most complicated and heavily-layered concoction you can imagine, with every single add-on that they actually have at the time, then either change your mind and just get a dish of a single flavor at the last minute, or say you forgot your money and walk out.
Sorry gang, this is why I go to Cold Stone instead. Marble Slab hasn't got shit on them! And I have never heard them run out of something. In fact, I wanted cinnamon ice cream and they didn't have any but the manager sent me a letter and told me any time I want some to let them know a little a head of time and they would make a whole batch to have it on hand for me. How's that for customer service!
I have hope for Ripley.
Gotta agree w Candice....Cold Stone is where it's at!!! & we have tons of them up here in Indy....Better move Steph!! ;)
Dammit people, quit rubbing it in! We don't have Cold Stone!!!
Steph Come and see us in Tulsa and I will treat you to the Cold Stone that we have.
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