A certain best friend of mine blasted me today for not putting up any posts, so I figured it must be about time to update the blog. Sorry it's taken me so long...

Our house is awesome, most of you know that already cuz you have seen it! It's slowly coming along. And I mean slowly. But I did manage to get to Lowe's last week to get some paint samples for Kaia's room. I'm still torn between purple, pink and orange. Kaia picks a different "favorite" every time I ask. :)
We've really, really enjoyed being back in T-Town. It's been awesome to get to hang out with everyone without it being such a pain in the butt to drive back and forth. Steph's tired and ready to go to bed? Ok, just go on home and Jay will drop me off later... just simple things. We went over to Jerm's pool one hot Sunday, just because we could.
I really miss my big sister and my Ilda though. :(
Other than that, I don't really miss Stillwater. Maybe summertime traffic. I probably miss that.
The job is great. I have to go to Chicago at the end of the month though. I hope it's not anything bad. With health care reform and the changes coming to this industry, you just never know. I think wellness efforts will actually get bigger, but that doesn't mean the budget will be there to support it.
My running group has been a lifesaver for me. I run with them 2x a week unless I'm traveling. We are slow beginners, but just having that group to meet up with and the accountability of having somewhere to be... it's like doing exercise classes again, only this time, I don't have to be prepared. :)
I don't have to go to NM again until November, I'm pretty relieved about that. I love going there but I miss my family tooooooo much. Yes Cory, you too, not just Kaia. :)
Kaia's new daycare is awesome. The first week has been incredible. Here are some photos from her online journal. Enjoy!