I just sent the following message accidentally to the CDC Physical Activity and Nutrition list-serv:
Oh, bought some organic home grown cheese today. Colby.
This message was intended for my husband.
Can you feel how hot my neck is right now?!?
Friday, July 31, 2009
The End of an Era
I think "dining out" as we know it is about to come to an end. For the past several months, I've been tracking how much money I spend each month at restaurants, Starbucks, Sonic, etc. and it's staggering. We've known for awhile that we do it too much but never really kept track of it like I've been doing. And I'm just accounting for what I spend, not Cory. It's gotta stop, especially if we want to have a nice house to live in!! But we all know not eating out really isn't an option, so we're going to try to cut back the frequency but also share an entree anytime we go out.
Also, it's got to stop because Kaia has officially hit the stage where she does NOT want to sit still in some stupid high chair for more than 2 minutes at a time. We met Tanner and his family at Joe's last night (his dad is being inducted into the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame this weekend--cool!) and she was a little monster! Aside from hyperactivity, she's into being as loud as humanly possible, so between her trying to escape, banging toys on the table and generally being a pain in the butt, she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Not screaming-crying, just screaming, like she is testing out her lungs.
By the end of the evening, I was exhausted. It took me until a little after 10:00 to get her to go to sleep, so I just went to sleep too.
Also, it's got to stop because Kaia has officially hit the stage where she does NOT want to sit still in some stupid high chair for more than 2 minutes at a time. We met Tanner and his family at Joe's last night (his dad is being inducted into the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame this weekend--cool!) and she was a little monster! Aside from hyperactivity, she's into being as loud as humanly possible, so between her trying to escape, banging toys on the table and generally being a pain in the butt, she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Not screaming-crying, just screaming, like she is testing out her lungs.
By the end of the evening, I was exhausted. It took me until a little after 10:00 to get her to go to sleep, so I just went to sleep too.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
How cute is that??
Cory tells me that Miss Priss demanded that she wear her brown sandals this morning instead of the shoes he had picked out for her... "I mean, c'mon daddy, the brown sandals go better with my outfit!"
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Some photos from Colorado
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Greatest Commercials EVER
Don't go here if you don't have my sense of humor, k? Watch the first two commercials for sure.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I know, I know. I'm a bad blogger. I never did post about how Kaia was doing. I stink. Well, it took about a week, but she finally got over her mouth outbreak. She started to feel better on Saturday and it hit her originally on Sunday so... that's a long time to feel horrible and not eat. Her appetite didn't fully return to normal until a few days later but the inklings of our little happy baby appeared that Saturday. Man, what a crappy week that was.
I have some pictures from our trip to Denver that I will post soon. Right now, I'm blogging from work (gasp) and the photos are on Cory's laptop. Let me just say that Denver is awesome. It's the first big city that I think Cory & I agreed on 100 percent: Yes, let's live here! So, who knows how long it will take but I really am going to start looking and applying for anything I think I have a shot at. And if it ends up that I find something but Cory does not, I told him to get his butt to Univ. of Colorado for a phd program.
So, what does that mean for us right now? Well, I guess it means the move to OKC is off again. We haven't talked about it yet but we will have to come up with a timeline and if we haven't found anything by ______, we move to OKC.
Imagine growing up in a place like Denver or Boulder where you are surrounded by mountains and sunshine? I'm all for raising Kaia in the healthiest environment we can, and either one of those two cities beats raising her in one of the fattest, unhealthiest, poorest states in the nation.
It was great riding and hiking with D again. I miss my workout buddy. :( And my best friend. :(
I'll post details about the riding and hiking when I put up pictures.
I have some pictures from our trip to Denver that I will post soon. Right now, I'm blogging from work (gasp) and the photos are on Cory's laptop. Let me just say that Denver is awesome. It's the first big city that I think Cory & I agreed on 100 percent: Yes, let's live here! So, who knows how long it will take but I really am going to start looking and applying for anything I think I have a shot at. And if it ends up that I find something but Cory does not, I told him to get his butt to Univ. of Colorado for a phd program.
So, what does that mean for us right now? Well, I guess it means the move to OKC is off again. We haven't talked about it yet but we will have to come up with a timeline and if we haven't found anything by ______, we move to OKC.
Imagine growing up in a place like Denver or Boulder where you are surrounded by mountains and sunshine? I'm all for raising Kaia in the healthiest environment we can, and either one of those two cities beats raising her in one of the fattest, unhealthiest, poorest states in the nation.
It was great riding and hiking with D again. I miss my workout buddy. :( And my best friend. :(
I'll post details about the riding and hiking when I put up pictures.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Beast Within
Man today was trying. She feels better and actually ate some cereal, but was just well enough to know that she was pissed off that she was still sick. Did that sentence make any sense??
Anyway, this kid has a temper. And is stubborn as hell. A+B = Not a Good Patient.
I've read that it's normal for toddlers to hit, and how to handle it, but that knowledge doesn't make it any more joyful. She must have smacked me ten times today. Swatted my hand away when I tried to give her ice cream. (ICE CREAM!! It's not like I was trying to feed the kid spinach!) Also, she has taken a liking to pouring her gatorade out of her sippy cup. Witness moments before dumping out Mommy's diet coke...

Like I said, trying day.
Last night, I did a wal-mart run and like any Mommy with a sick baby, I wanted to get her something to make her feel better. Enter the Dora Chair. Fletcher is trying to claim it as his own. I think there might be war if that happens...
Anyway, this kid has a temper. And is stubborn as hell. A+B = Not a Good Patient.
I've read that it's normal for toddlers to hit, and how to handle it, but that knowledge doesn't make it any more joyful. She must have smacked me ten times today. Swatted my hand away when I tried to give her ice cream. (ICE CREAM!! It's not like I was trying to feed the kid spinach!) Also, she has taken a liking to pouring her gatorade out of her sippy cup. Witness moments before dumping out Mommy's diet coke...
Like I said, trying day.
Last night, I did a wal-mart run and like any Mommy with a sick baby, I wanted to get her something to make her feel better. Enter the Dora Chair. Fletcher is trying to claim it as his own. I think there might be war if that happens...
The Past Five Days
Monday, July 6, 2009
Worst Ever
Kaia woke up around midnight hot as hell. Her fever was about 103. She was mumbling and crying and didn't stop until... well, about 10 minutes ago. She did fall asleep from time to time, but for the most part, she was in borderline hysterical mode.
We took her to the doc, anticipating talk of tubes for her ears, assuming it still hadn't cleared up, but it was all good. In fact, she didn't know what was going on, so they took some blood :( and ran a test to see if she needed antibiotics or anything. Turned out to be some weird virus. She seems to be on the mend now.
I can't tell you what a scary 16 hours that was... I had all kinds of horror stories running through my brain.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. This parenting stuff is hard as hell.
UPDATE: She was not on the mend yesterday, I guess the motrin just gave her a reprieve. Last night was even worse than the night before. We are going back to the doctor today. Cory & I look like hell. There is something wrong with her mouth, I'm wondering if it isn't thrush, but her tongue and inside of her mouth is white and everything is swollen, including her ruby red lips. :( Cory called her Angelina Jolie this morning. So she isn't eating anything and barely drinks but at least gets enough to not be dehydrated. She's just crying and drooling non-stop.
We took her to the doc, anticipating talk of tubes for her ears, assuming it still hadn't cleared up, but it was all good. In fact, she didn't know what was going on, so they took some blood :( and ran a test to see if she needed antibiotics or anything. Turned out to be some weird virus. She seems to be on the mend now.
I can't tell you what a scary 16 hours that was... I had all kinds of horror stories running through my brain.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. This parenting stuff is hard as hell.
UPDATE: She was not on the mend yesterday, I guess the motrin just gave her a reprieve. Last night was even worse than the night before. We are going back to the doctor today. Cory & I look like hell. There is something wrong with her mouth, I'm wondering if it isn't thrush, but her tongue and inside of her mouth is white and everything is swollen, including her ruby red lips. :( Cory called her Angelina Jolie this morning. So she isn't eating anything and barely drinks but at least gets enough to not be dehydrated. She's just crying and drooling non-stop.
Friday, July 3, 2009
In Awe
Every day, I look at Kaia and am in awe of how much she has grown already. The new picture above just seems so... girl-like instead of baby-like. When did this happen? I feel like I am going to blink and miss something, like I'll wake up and she'll be in kindergarten.
Some of my favorite things she is doing now: picking up things and putting them in the trash, helping me unload the dishwasher, saying "mainmow" (rainbow) out of the blue, I guess she just likes the word... singing along with "wheels on the bus" by doing the hand motions, then when you get to "aaaalll through the town" she sings along with the ALL part. Only she gets too excited and starts it too soon. God it's cute. She also grabs onto you and squeezes and gives the best hugs in the world.
When Uncle Jay was here, she spun herself in circles until she was falling down dizzy. She loves him so much. She kept taking him books to read to her. She even ate good while he was here, especially the night we had fried fish, zucchini and Daddy's special fried taters! We found out last night that she likes peas. We had snow peas and I squeezed the peas out of the pod and she ate them like they were candy. YES! A vegetable! Starchy one but hell, it's green I'll take it.
Anyway, I know I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd give everyone the update on what she's been up to. I recharged the batteries for the little HD video camera so I should be able to get some more videos soon. She does this thing when Daddy reads her the "Where O Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" book, I've GOT to get it recorded and posted.
Peace out, have a great 4th of July!
Some of my favorite things she is doing now: picking up things and putting them in the trash, helping me unload the dishwasher, saying "mainmow" (rainbow) out of the blue, I guess she just likes the word... singing along with "wheels on the bus" by doing the hand motions, then when you get to "aaaalll through the town" she sings along with the ALL part. Only she gets too excited and starts it too soon. God it's cute. She also grabs onto you and squeezes and gives the best hugs in the world.
When Uncle Jay was here, she spun herself in circles until she was falling down dizzy. She loves him so much. She kept taking him books to read to her. She even ate good while he was here, especially the night we had fried fish, zucchini and Daddy's special fried taters! We found out last night that she likes peas. We had snow peas and I squeezed the peas out of the pod and she ate them like they were candy. YES! A vegetable! Starchy one but hell, it's green I'll take it.
Anyway, I know I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd give everyone the update on what she's been up to. I recharged the batteries for the little HD video camera so I should be able to get some more videos soon. She does this thing when Daddy reads her the "Where O Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" book, I've GOT to get it recorded and posted.
Peace out, have a great 4th of July!
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